Frequently asked questions

Trust the way you pay

Easily and securely spend, send, and manage your transactions—all in one place. Download the app on your phone or sign up for free online.

Scan the code or enter your number to get the app.

A QR code you can scan with the camera on your phone to download the PayPal app
By clicking Send Link you agree to receive a text message with a link to the PayPal app. Message and data rates may apply.

Give your money new life online


Add cash1 to PayPal using the PayPal Debit Card2 or in person at 90,000+ locations in the US.


Shop online, in person, or send money to friends and family around the globe.4


Add money to your balance1 to shop securely anywhere PayPal is accepted.

How to add cash with the app

Go to the Wallet

Select Add Cash while you’re at the store.

Choose a store

Get a barcode and show it at checkout.

Let the cash flow

Money will be added to your balance, usually within minutes.

Add money with the PayPal Debit Card

Provide the cash you want to load at the register and swipe your card—the money appears in your PayPal Balance account, usually within minutes. Then, use the money in your balance to shop everywhere Mastercard® is accepted.

The PayPal Debit Card has no monthly fee, no minimum balance, or credit checks.2

Add cash at 90,000+ locations nationwide

Add cash to PayPal

Digitize your cash. Spend it how you like.

Add cash¹ to PayPal with the PayPal Debit Card² or in person at 90,000+ store locations nationwide.