Accept PayPal payments on eBay.

PayPal is a safer payment method recommended by eBay. Eligible transactions made with PayPal are protected by PayPal Buyer Protection, encouraging buyers to buy from you over others. Plus, your customers will enjoy a faster, safer and easier checkout experience.

You'll be protected too, with Seller Protection on eligible items.

Start selling on eBay with PayPal.


Link your eBay account to your PayPal account. Log in to your eBay account, click My eBay and then select the Account tab. Click Link my PayPal account and follow the instructions


Create a listing. For tips on how to create listings that sell, visit the eBay Seller Centre

Maximise your business with an eBay Store

  • Access new customers
  • Personalise your pages
  • Take advantage of marketing and reporting features to build, manage, promote and track your business
View eBay selling best practices

Seller Protection

PayPal's Seller Protection helps protect eligible transactions against chargebacks, reversals due to fraud, and claims that items were not received raised through PayPal's Buyer Protection.

Available on eligible transactions only. Limits, terms and eligibility criteria apply. For more information, see our User Agreement.

Managing shipping

eBay buyers like to know the total cost of an item before they buy, so it's best to complete your shipping options and costs on the listing form. Be competitive and offer free shipping if you can.

Read more postage tips

Choose a payment solution to suit your business.

Your PayPal account lets you accept multiple forms of payment. Whether you’re online or on the road, PayPal makes accepting payments easier for your business.

Online payments

PayPal is a great way to get paid online. Accept credit cards and PayPal payments more easily and more securely.

More about online payments (Online payments)

Online invoicing

Create and email a professional, customised invoice in minutes. Send reminders, and issue receipts and refunds.

More about online invoicing (Online invoicing)

Mobile payments

Accept payments around the world with our mobile-optimised solutions, on your mobile website, or through your Android and iOS apps.

More about mobile payments (Mobile payments)

Sell on eBay

Whether you're a big business or a casual seller, eBay is a great way to reach customers around the world.

More about eBay stores (Sell on eBay)

Don't have a PayPal business account? Sign up today.

Start accepting payments today. You can run a business under your company name or as an individual and your sales may be eligible for Seller Protection.

Sign Up Now

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