Frequently asked questions

Join the millions around the world who love PayPal

Easily and securely spend, send, and manage your transactions—all in one place. Download the app on your phone or sign up for free online.

Download the app on your phone or sign up for free online.

A QR code you can scan with the camera on your phone to download the PayPal app

2 ways to sell. You choose your go-to

QR code

It’s a quick and convenient way to get paid. Just create, print, and display your code.


Create your invoice on the app, send it via text or email, and get paid online.

QR codes: the speedy way to sell in person


Take in-person payments immediately from your phone. Or, print your QR code and display for customers to scan.

No “gotchas”

You only pay when you get paid. Funds are sent to your account typically within minutes.


QR codes let your customers scan, pay, and go. No more cashing checks or swiping cards.


Help protect eligible transactions from chargebacks, reversals, and associated fees with Seller Protection. Limits apply.

Why we love QR codes

How QR codes work

(no extra hardware or software required)

Create. Print. Display your custom QR code

Have customers scan your code with the PayPal app

Let customers enter the amount, pay, and they’re on their way

Get paid online and in person

Start selling. Get paid in minutes.

Run a food truck? Selling jewelry? We have the in-person and online tools to help make you a super-seller.