Frequently asked questions

Trust the way you pay

Easily and securely spend, send, and manage your transactions—all in one place. Download the app on your phone or sign up for free online.

Scan the code or enter your number to get the app.

A QR code you can scan with the camera on your phone to download the PayPal app
By clicking Send Link you agree to receive a text message with a link to the PayPal app. Message and data rates may apply.

Direct Deposit with PayPal

Early payment

Set up Direct Deposit once and enjoy access to your funds up to two days early.2

Easy setup

No more waiting for checks in the mail or trips to the bank.

Flexible use

Use the funds in your PayPal balance to shop and send money.3

Get paid, get started

With Direct Deposit, your money goes right to your PayPal balance. Use it to shop, send money, transfer funds to PayPal Savings,4 or get a head start on your bills.

How to set up Direct Deposit

Identify your employer

Find your employer, government agency, or payroll provider.

Verify your identity

Follow the steps to confirm your identity with your employer.

Confirm amount

Deposit your entire check or enter the amount of money you want to go to your PayPal balance.

You’re all set

Once processed, your Direct Deposit will begin within two pay cycles. We’ll notify you each time your money comes in.

Easily access your money with the PayPal Debit Card

With the PayPal Debit Card, you can use the money in your PayPal balance to shop everywhere Mastercard® is accepted and earn cash back along the way.5,6

Direct Deposit

Payday, meet PayPal.

Get paychecks or government payments automatically sent to your PayPal Balance account1 up to 2 days early.2