Don't have a PayPal account?


Your preapproved payment summary

  1. Name platform sdk's Test Store
  2. Start date Aug 16, 2012
  3. End date Aug 1, 2013

Choose a way to pay

Don't have a PayPal account?It's easy to create one.

To use a prepaid gift card from Visa, MasterCard, or American Express, you must add your billing address to the card.Prepaid Gift Card InfoOn the back of the card you can find either a website address where you can register your billing address directly, or contact information for the card issuer.

Payment typesShows credit card type you entered
Expiration dateExpiration date

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For MasterCard, Visa or Discover, it's the last three digits in the signature area on the back of your card. For American Express, it's the four digits on the front of the card.


e.g. 555-555-5555

Yes, I've read and agree to the following:



Password tips

  • Use 8-20 characters.
  • Don't use your name or email address.
  • Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  • Make your password hard to guess - even for a family member or close friend.

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