Center za pomoč – Osebni račun

Why did I get API error code 10600?

PayPal returned API error code 10600 - Authorization voided.

The authorization you're trying to perform on a DoAuthorization, DoCapture, DoReauthorization, DoVoid or UpdateAuthorization has already been voided and can't be used because it's no longer valid.

Close the order or authorization.

Note: See the Developer Portal for a complete list of NVP/SOAP API error codes.

See also:
DoAuthorization API Operation (NVP and SOAP)

Več načinov, kako lahko pomagamo

Če sprejmete piškotke, jih bomo uporabili za izboljšanje in prilagajanje vaše izkušnje ter omogočili našim partnerjem, da vam prikažejo prilagojene PayPal oglase, ko obiščete druga spletna mesta. Upravljajte s piškotki in izvedite več