
How do I process a refund in Virtual Terminal?

To refund a customer for a successful Sale transaction you previously processed, you must complete a Refund transaction in Virtual Terminal.
  • To send a refund within 60 days after receiving the original payment, click Issue Refund on the Transaction Details page.
  • If you received payment more than 60 days ago, use the Send Money tab to issue the refund.
Here's how to issue a refund within 60 days after the original payment:
  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Activity.
  3. Do one of the following:
  • Find the transaction you want to refund and click Refund in the Actions column.
  • Click the name of the billing person or company for the transaction. On the Transaction Details page, click Refund.

You get credit for the original transaction fee when you process a refund within 60 days after payment. If you issue a partial refund, you get credit for part of the transaction fee.

Here's how to send a refund 60 days after you received payment:
  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Select Money > Send or Request Money > Send Money.
  3. Click the Send to friends and family tile. The Send money to friends and family page appears.
  4. Enter the customer's email address, mobile phone number, or name and click Next.
  5. On the Payment screen, enter the refund amount and select the currency from the drop-down menu. (USD is the default.) Optionally, you can enter note text in the space provided.
  6. Click Continue to proceed, or click Cancel. If you click Continue, the Payment Type page appears.
  7. Select the funding method you want to use for the refund, then click Next. The Send Payment page appears.
  8. Review the payment information and do one of the following:
  • Click Send the Payment if you're satisfied with the payment details.
  • Click Change payment method to return to the Payment Type page and choose a different payment method.

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