
How do I find my Sandbox API credentials?

When you create a test business account in PayPal's Sandbox, an API Signature is generated for that account automatically. Here's how to find it:
  1. Log in to your PayPal Developer account.
  2. Click Dashboard.
  3. Click Accounts under Sandbox.
  4. Click the email address of the business account whose credentials you're checking.
  5. Click Profile.
  6. Click API credentials on the Account details screen.
If for some reason your API credentials aren't displayed there, you can also find them in your Sandbox account. Click Close on the Account details screen and continue with the rest of this procedure.
  1. Check the box next to the business account whose credentials you are checking, and then click Enter Sandbox site.
  2. Log in to that Sandbox business account.
  3. Select Profile > My Selling Tools under the My Account tab.
  4. Click Update next to API access on the My Profile screen.
  5. Click View API Signature under Option 2 on the API Access screen. (If Request API Credentials appears under Option 2, it may be because you haven't requested your API credentials.)
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